Thursday, 14 January 2010

Self hatred rant

I am a horrible and useless fuckwit. I left the poor dog in the kitchen on his own for the entire 7 and a half hours my mum was at work without even going to say hello to him, because I felt too shit to get out of bed. Poor dog. He deserves better than me. And then when I finally did go downstairs at about half 8 this evening he was absolutely delighted to see me and was licking my and cuddling me and snuggling up to me and I felt so guilty for bloody abandoning him all day. Poor little pig. Animals are great the way they love you unconditionally though. Even though I had abandoned him all day, and this evening he had 2 other people he could have been making a fuss of he made a beeline for me straight away. I am a horrible person, I don't deserve to be liked.

Today has not gone well. I didn't get to sleep until about 6:45am, and then I slept quite badly. I woke up at 12 and was feeling really terrible so called the CMHT a bit later to speak to L but they said she isn't well and won't be back until monday. They asked if I wanted to speak to someone else, but it was hard enough to phone anyway with this whole not trusting people thing that I have going on at the moment so I said no. I then slept again most of the day because I didn't trust myself to be awake.

My sister called and asked me to look after her baby whilst she took my older nephew to his swimming lesson but I lied and said I wasn't well and didn't want to make the baby ill so I had better not. I am a crap aunt.

My mum got home and decided that chocolate was clearly the answer to everything (not eating, low mood etc etc) and would make me feel better so brought me some up which I said I didn't want but ended up eating anyway because I am a fat greedy pig. Although I have since had a carrot, some crisps and a slice of toast that she presented me with, she seems to have it in her head that I need more, and has offered me a Twix, some fruit and nut chocolate, a rocky bar, and everything else we have in the house that contains chocolate. Can you tell that she likes chocolate? I had a bit of a cry earlier and she was asking me what L would say if I could speak to her, so that she could say it instead bless her. But naturally I couldn't think of anything. I just feel so desperate, it is horrible.

I also realised this evening that I am a complete and utter fuckwit. I set this blog up anonymously, made an anonymous email address to go with it, and then have been commenting on everyone's blog using my non anonymous email address. Stupid moron. So much for bloody anonymity. I do wonder how I can be so stupid. I still want to move to WordPress, but the fact that I can't have the same username is just making it all too complicated for my small brain to handle. If I have a new username nobody will know who I am when I comment on their blog. And I will have to make another anonymous email address. I should have bloody researched properly first instead of just diving in. I am so stupid. I haven't always been stupid, but it is like brain cells have been streaming out of my ears these last 6 years. I won't even have enough left to know how to kill myself unless I do it soon.

Just to even things out with some positivity, my weight was down 1lb. And to even the positivity out with some negativity, the 1lb will probably be back on tomorrow after all the chocolate I have had today.


  1. If the blogs you have been commenting on are like mine, and are anonymous too, then those people will respect your privacy for sure. Remember its only the blog author who will see the email address, on the comment page its the username thats shown, which on mine says "Bippidee".

    take care

  2. Oh hun, it's so horrible when you feel like you cannot help but criticise your every action. I don't live at home anymore but when I did and even when I see my mum now she is always trying to help. I think we do our best to try and shield our parents from our pain, if you are anything like me you are forever trying to put on an act that you will get better and seem to be telling them 'not to worry' even though inside you are desperately screaming that you are a fucking mess right now. It did make me smile when you mentioned your dog and their unconditional love, I think they can sense when we are sad pretty well. I have two of the little monkeys and they just seem to know to sit nice and behave and cuddle into me when I'm down and go as hyper as me when I'm running about manic. I don't know what I'd do without them and yet somedays I feel like they would be better off without me as when I'm having really awful days I feel like I'm neglecting them somehow. Sorry I am waffling on here, my fingers have a habit of getting carried away. I hope tonight is gentler for you.xx

  3. Chocolate and company aren't bad things to have when things are bad. Hope L is around for you on Monday. Keep going lovely xx

  4. Susie - I am not worried that people will break my confidence. I just wonder how I can be such a complete and utter moron.

    mycrazybipolarlife - Yes, I put on an act an awful lot of the time. I hate worrying people so I pretend to be fine until I completely break down and they realise that I am not. What sort of dogs do you have?

    Eccedentesiat - Chocolate is good. L will definitely be back on monday which is good, and I have an appointment to see her tuesday. Just have to try and cope that long. Thank you for caring.


  5. Hey hun, don't be so hard on yourself, yeah you left you dog alone almost all day, but you didn't feel well. It's not your fault you are sick, you didn't chose to be borderline, it just came like other illnesses so please don't hate yourself.

  6. Dogs are very resilient - when you aren't well you can't look after them so well - it would be the same with a lot of physical illnesses too - if you weren't able to get out of bed or had very bad 'flu - I think we are just harder on mental illnesses. And chocolate can't ever really be bad..
    I also did the same thing with my email address by the way.

  7. goneborderline - I know I didn't choose to be Borderline but I still beat myself up for it.

    fightingmonsters - We definitely are harder on mental illness than physical illness. My mum included - she said I need to go and see the dog however bad I feel. She is right but it is hard. Glad that someone else did the email address fuck up - that is reassuring! I was going to be a Social Worker at one point. It was a bit embarassing when a Social Worker came to uni to take me to the psych hospital and asked what I was studying...

  8. Hi, I've just found your blog and it's as if every word you've written I could have said myself. I totally understand how you are feeling. I found your blog via mentalnurse.I think I will be an avid follower!

  9. Hi struggling. Sorry you are struggling (how cheesy does that sound?!). Mentalnurse is great isn't it? I have found so many fantastic blogs via there. Do you have a blog? I noticed your name links to a couple of posts from a few years ago about the Olympics. I am fairly new to anonymous blogging, but I am finding it quite cathartic to get everything out, and if people find my ramblings interesting to read then that is fantastic (and unexpected!). x

  10. Hey B,I don't have a blog no. To comment on your post though I had to have one, then remembered a random blog from years ago that I did about one post on! But it means I could comment to you :) I totally find what you say interesting, it's exactly what I'm thinking/feeling. We have a lot in common/life wise from what I've read. A scarey ammount in common! I'm having a crap evening, can't handle weekends. How do you find weekends? I can't ring my support so I can't cope.

  11. It is funny when you find someone and what they are writing or saying just echoes so much what you think/feel etc. You should think about starting a blog - I am finding it quite theraputic getting everything out. But if you want someone to talk to you are welcome to email me anytime - bippidee at hotmail dot co dot uk. Weekends definitely are tough. And evenings and nights come to that. Well, all of the time is really, but it definitely helps knowing you can call someone in office hours. x
