I am exhausted. Still. I got to sleep about half 4 in the morning I think but I kept waking up all night/morning. At about 11 I came online for a few minutes but I was too tired to keep my eyes open so I went back to sleep, but again, I just kept waking up. I think it was about 2 when I eventually gave up on sleep, so that should have been a good length night, but it was shit sleep and consequently I feel absolutely shattered. Mind you, even when I have had better nights I have still been waking up exhausted lately.
Friday I just couldn't stop crying. I didn't even know why I was crying, but I just couldn't stop. Today and yesterday I have been back to my more usual state of being quite numb, and feeling really terrible but not even being able to cry. It is weird the way some days I just can't stop crying and other days I don't cry at all, even if I am feeling the same both days.
Don't know what to do with myself yet again. That is why I am writing, but I can't even think of anything to write about. This just feels like hell. Tempted to try and go back to sleep. I am still so tired and at least I wouldn't have to cope with being awake then. Seeing L on wednesday. That feels like an eternity away.
Well heres one for the books I wasn't expecting
2 hours ago
If you feel you need or could sleep then try. When your sleep is bad any that you can get can help. Insomnia or crap sleep can make the world look all the more bleaker. Sending some zzzzzzzz. Hugs xx